I first heard about the Masaka Cycling Club on the Hidden Athlete Podcast hosted by Ross Burrage. I was intrigued and drawn to learn more. Masaka Cycling Club is an amateur cycling team based in southern Uganda, Africa. The club is primarily a humanitarian project funded by the amazing Global Cycling Community. Masaka is a very poor region and the youth rely on our input to help them chase their cycling dreams.
So far there have been some amazing fundraising initiatives. One was the Masaka Jersey fundraiser, successfully resulting in the bright orange jersey being spotted all around the world. Revenue from sales of the jerseys went to the building of a new clubhouse and further projects to get it up and running successfully.
Through other amazing fundraisers and donations, the new clubhouse is now near completion. This is a massive achievement that will benefit the boys and girls for years to come,a fitting platform to showcase their talents .
This project really grabbed my attention and resonated after listening to Ross and club chairperson Mirro Micheal speak so passionately and enthusiastically about making dreams come true for the youth of this region. I got involved and shared the story as much as possible. I continue to follow closely.
For loads more inspiring info and stories and some fantastic videos check out the website https://www.masakacyclingclub.com/
PODCAST: https://thehiddenathlete.com.au/